How to Keep Your Blood Vessels Healthy Naturally!
We can see the bottleneck traffic jams immediately in congested cities with road repairs and holiday traffic. We don’t see so quickly the bottlenecks in our blood flow caused by deteriorating vascular health or the damage to the blood vessels themselves. Several factors create “traffic jams” inside the blood vessels: sludged blood, clots, clumped red …
Hypertension: All Fired Up
To defeat high blood pressure or at least prevent its serious complication, we need more than the DASH diet and exercise. In this second article on hypertension, we address the role the nervous system plays in hypertension. To defeat hypertension or at the very minimum, control it successfully, we need to incorporate lifestyle strategies that …
Something Better than Eggs!
Eggs! Cooks and chefs have used them for centuries, but mounting evidence indicates that the health benefits of eggs are hyped, and frequent egg consumption is a health hazard. This blog examines vegan alternatives to eggs used in recipes without the additives of ultra-processed egg replacements!